About Us

Heart to Heart Community Enrichment Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization who is devoted to making a difference in the community. We provide the highest quality programs that benefit all residents in Polk County, Florida. We have the capability and desire to not only understand the perspective of our clients, but we value them, love them and provide hope to them. We are that bridge to a healthy and happy lifestyle.


Heart To Heart Community Enrichment, Inc. is dedicated to improving the quality of life, empowering the people in our community and making a difference.


The Heart To Heart Community Enrichment, Inc. vision is to create a supportive environment whereby our clients can become self-sufficient by acquiring important life and social skills.

About the Organization

Heart to Heart Community Enrichment Inc., based in Winter Haven Florida, was founded in 2010 by a group of health educators, top-level religious leaders, community advocates and concerned citizens from Polk County Florida. The group wanted to address health and wellness, stigma and discrimination related to HIV and AIDS, and address the barriers and challenges in the underserved communities in Polk County Florida.

Heart to Heart Community Enrichment Inc. is dedicated to developing a community that fosters and supports optimal health for everyone through health fairs, health screenings, seminars, education and prevention, workshops, and neighborhood events. HIV/AIDS, transportation services, hypertension, diabetes, domestic violence, ethnic conflict, jobs, and poverty are just some of the health problems in the community that Heart to Heart Community Enrichment Inc. is committed to address in the targeted populations.